(Kiana) #1

Mark I, 234–235, 309
Mary Poppins, 223
maser, 261–262
mass production, 66, 68– 69
Mathematical Foundations of
Quantum Mechanics, The, 228
Mauchly, John, 231, 237–240
Maxim, Hiram, 120–122
Maxim machine gun, 120–122
Maxwell, James Clerk, 187
Maybach, Wilhelm, 126 –127
Mazda, 227
McAdam, John Loudon, 57–59
McCarthy, John, 297
McCormick, Cyrus, 96 – 99
McCormick, Nancy (Fowler), 98
McCormick, Robert, 96 – 97
McCormick Theological
Seminary, 99
Mechanica, 25–26
mechanical reaper, 96 – 98
melanoma, 74
Memoirs of the Paris Academy of
Sciences, 38
Menlo Park, 132–133, 134, 137
Mensurae, 24
Mercedes, 127
Method Concerning Mechanical
Theorems, 22
Method of Reaching Extreme
Altitudes, A, 192
Metrica, 23–24
Meucci, Antonio, 145
Mickey Mouse, 218, 220–221, 222
microphone, 133, 150
microprocessor chip, 278
microscopy, 35, 37–38
Microsoft Corporation, 310–312
Microsoft Windows, 303, 312, 314

mild steel, 103
military rocket, 70–71
mill, 86
Miller, Phineas, 67– 68
Milstein, César, 267
Minié, Claude-Étienne, 92– 94
Minié ball, 92– 94
mobile autonomous robots,
Model-Based Computer Vision, 297
Model T, 12, 139, 163–164,
Modest Enquiry into the Nature and
Necessity of a Paper Currency,
A, 43
monoclonal antibodies, produc-
tion of, 267
Montgolfier, Étienne, 52–54
Montgolfier, Joseph, 52–54
Montgolfier, Pierre, 53
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 154
Morgan, Paul W., 273
Morgenstern, Oskar, 231
Morse, Samuel, 79 –83
Morse code, 79, 82–83, 187, 205
motion picture industry, 138–139,
162–163, 186, 220–224
Motorwagen, 125
movable type printing press, 11,
26, 27–31, 172
MS-DOS, 311, 313
Müller, Paul, 10, 212–213
multiprogramming, 272
Mushet, Robert Forester, 102

Naismith, James A., 160–162
National Academy of Design,

7 Index 7
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