Teaching Tip
Writers can connect independent clauses erroneously in three ways: (a) with
a coordinating conjunction only, (b) with a comma but no conjunction, or (c)
with nothing at all. Composition specialists have different terms to describe
these three possibilities. As noted, the first case is a run-on sentence; the
second case is a comma splice; and the third case is a fused sentence. For
reasons that remain quite mysterious, large numbers of teachers tell stu-
dents that they should put commas wherever there is a “pause” in the sen-
tence.This advice is totally wrong.English has natural rhythms and related
pauses that have nothing at all to do with punctuation. Before students can
master comma use, they need to understand clauses and phrases. They
then must learn to recognize when they have put two independent clauses
together with a coordinating conjunction. An effective technique is to con-
duct editing workshops on drafts of papers. Circulate among students and
help them identify compound sentences and show them where the comma
goes. Ask some students to put sample sentences on the board and explain
them to the class.
Subordinating Conjunctions. Whereas coordinating conjunctions
link equal elements,subordinating conjunctionslink unequal elements. More
specifically, they link a dependent clause to an independent clause. Because
this type of dependent clause begins with a subordinating conjunction, we refer
to it as asubordinate clause.A subordinate clause is a dependent clause that be-
gins with a subordinating conjunction.
More Common Subordinating Conjunctions
because if as
until since whereas
although though while
unless before once
after as if when
whenever as soon as even if
in order that even though
so that
The sentences that follow show subordinating conjunctions connecting sub-
ordinate clauses to independent clauses:
64.Since he came home,Fred hasn’t turned off the TV once.
- Buggsy was thrilledwhen Rita de Luna walked into the casino.
- One of Buggsy’s goons had ushered her to the tablebefore she could say a