Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

SECTION 2.2 Elementary Graph Theory 123

As with the Nearest-Neighbor algorithm, we do not select any edges
which would prematurely result in a cycle. Also, we need to avoid any
edges which will result in more than two edges from a given vertex.

Example.We consider this algorithm on the Midwestern Cities graph.

  1. Choose the{Chicago, Merriville}link as this is the cheapest among
    all links.

  2. Choose the{Merriville, Joliet}link; this is the second cheapest at

  3. The third cheapest link is the {Gary, Merriville} link at $121;
    however, choosing this link will result in three edges issuing from
    Merriville. The fourth cheapest link is the{Chicago, Joliet}link
    at $133. However, this is also impossible as a premature cycle is
    formed. We settle for the{Gary, Highland}link at $150.

  4. We choose the{Chicago, Highland}link at $152.

  5. The only remaining choice given the constraints is the {Gary,
    Joliet}link at $200.

The above algorithm produces the Hamiltonian cycle


at a total (non-optimal) cost of $741.

The algorithm above are what are calledgreedy algorithmsas at
each stage they seek the optimal (i.e., cheapest) choice.


  1. Apply the Cheapest-Link algorithm to the graph indicated in the
    table in Exercise 1 on page 121.

  2. Apply the Cheapest-Link algorithm to the graph indicated in the
    table in Exercise 2 on page 122.

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