Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

170 CHAPTER 3 Inequalities

With a bit of effort, this determinant can be expanded. It’s easier to
first compute the determinant of the matrix


1 x 1 x^21
1 x 2 x^22
1 x 3 x^23


and then square the result. One has, after a bit of computation, the
highly structured answer



1 x 1 x^21
1 x 2 x^22
1 x 3 x^23


= (x 3 −x 2 )(x 3 −x 1 )(x 2 −x 1 ),

(this is generalized in the next section) which implies that

∆ =a^4 (x 3 −x 2 )^2 (x 3 −x 1 )^2 (x 2 −x 1 )^2.

This is all well and good, but two questions immediately arise:

  • How does one compute ∆ without knowing the zeros ofP? Also,
    and perhaps more importantly,

  • what is ∆ trying to tell us?

Let’s start with the second bullet point and work out the trichotomy
law dictated by ∆.
If P(x) has three distinct real zeros, then it’s obvious that ∆>0.
If not all of the zeros are real, thenP(x) has one real zero (sayx 1 ) and
a complex-conjugate pair of non-real zeros (x 2 andx 3 ). In this case
(x 2 −x 1 ), (x 3 −x 1 ) would be a complex conjugate pair, forcing 0 <
(x 2 −x 1 )(x 3 −x 1 )∈Rand so certainly that 0<(x 2 −x 1 )^2 (x 3 −x 1 )^2 ∈R.
Furthermore, (x 3 −x 2 ) is purely imaginary and so (x 3 −x 2 )^2 <0, all
forcing ∆<0. Therefore, we see immediately that

∆>0 =⇒P(x) has three distinct real zeros

and that

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