Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

22 CHAPTER 1 Advanced Euclidean Geometry

  1. The diagram to the right shows
    three circles of different radii with
    centers A, B, and C. The points
    X, Y, and Z are defined by inter-
    sections of the tangents to the cir-
    cles as indicated. Prove thatX, Y,
    andZ are colinear. Z






  1. (The Euler line.) In this exercise you will be guided through the
    proof that in the triangle 4 ABC, the centroid, circumcenter, and
    orthocenter are all colinear. The line so determined is called the
    Euler line.
    In the figure to the right, let G be the centroid of 4 ABC, and
    letObe the circumcenter. LocateP on the ray

OGso thatGP :
OG= 2 : 1.
(a) Let A′ be the intersection of
(AG) with (BC); show that
4 OGA′ ∼ 4PGA. (Hint: re-
call from page 13 that GA :
GA′= 2 : 1.)
(b) Conclude that (AP) and (OA′)
are parallel which putsPon the
altitude through vertexA.
(c) Similarly, show that P is also
on the altitudes through ver-
ticesBandC, and soP is the
orthocenter of 4 ABC.
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