SECTION 1.2 Triangle Geometry 25
Proof. Referring to the dia-
gram to the right and using the
Pythagorean Theorem, we infer
quickly that
c^2 = (b−acosC)^2 +a^2 sin^2 C
= b^2 − 2 abcosC+a^2 cos^2 C+a^2 sin^2 C
= a^2 +b^2 − 2 abcosC,
as required.
- Using the Law of Sines, prove the Angle Bisector Theorem (see
page 15). - Prove Heron’s formula. Namely, for the triangle whose side
lengths area, b,andc, prove that the area is given by
area =
where s =
= one-half the perimeter of the triangle.
(Hint: ifAis the area, then start with 16A^2 = 4b^2 (c^2 −c^2 cos^2 A) =
(2bc− 2 bccosA)(2bc+ 2bccosA). Now use the Law of Cosines to
write 2bccosAin terms ofa, b,andcand do a bit more algebra.)
- In the quadrilateral depicted at the
right, the lengths of the diagonals
areaandb, and meet at an angleθ.
Show that the area of this quadri-
lateral is^12 absinθ. (Hint: compute
the area of each triangle, using the
Law of Sines.)