Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

SECTION 1.5 Nine-Point Circle 43

ratio. Show thatAB is the harmonic mean ofAX andAY.^9

  1. The figure to the right depicts two
    circles having an orthogonal in-
    tersection. (What should this
    mean?) Relative to the diagram to
    the right (OandO′are the centers),
    show thatA, C, B, andDare in a
    harmonic ratio.

  2. The figure to the right shows a
    semicircle with center O and di-
    ameter XZ. The segment [PY]
    is perpendicular to [XZ] and the
    segment [QY] is perpendicular to
    [OP]. Show that PQ is the har-
    monic mean ofXY andY Z.




1.5 The Nine-Point Circle

One of the most subtle mysteries of Euclidean geometry is the existence
of the so-called “nine-point circle,” that is a circle which passes through
nine very naturally pre-prescribed points.

To appreciate the miracle which this presents, consider first that
arranging for a circle to pass through three noncollinear points is, of
course easy: this is the circumscribed circle of the triangle defined by
these points (and having center at the circumcenter). That a circle will
not, in general pass through four points (even if no three are colinear)

(^9) The harmonic mean occurs in elementary algebra and is how one computes the average rate at
which a given task is accomplished. For example, if I walk to the store at 5 km/hr and walk home
at a faster rate of 10 km/hr, then the average rate of speed which I walk is given by
2 × 5 × 10
5 + 10 =
3 km/hr.

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