Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

SECTION 2.1 Elementary Number Theory 61

Thend′|a′andd′|band so clearly d′|d. But then d′ divides botha′
andd, forcingd′|gcd(d,a′), i.e., d′ = 1. That is to say,a′ andb are
relatively prime. Therefore ifl′ is any multiple of a and b then l′ is
a multiple of a′ and b; since a′ and b are relatively prime, we have,
by the above lemma, that a′b|l′. In other words, l|l′, proving that
l= lcm(a,b).


  1. Assume that a and b are integers and that d > 0 is an integer
    dividing botha andb. Show that if for some integerss, t∈Zwe
    haved=sa+tb,d= gcd(a,b).

  2. Assume that a and b are integers and that there exist integers
    s, t∈Zsuch thatsa+tb= 1. Show that a andbare relatively

  3. Find gcd(1900,399), lcm(1900,399). Find an explicit representa-
    gcd(1900,399) = 1900s+ 399t, s, t∈Z.

  4. Find gcd(2100,399), lcm(2100,399). Find an explicit representa-
    gcd(2100,399) = 2100s+ 399t, s, t∈Z.

  5. Assume thatnis a positive integer and thata, b∈Zwith gcd(a,n) =
    gcd(b,n) = 1. Prove that gcd(ab,n) = 1.

  6. Assume thatpis a prime,aandbare integers and thatp|ab. Use
    the Euclidean trick to show that eitherp|aorp|b.

  7. Assume thataandbare relatively prime and thata|bcfor some
    integerc. Prove thata|c.

  8. Show that for all integersn≥0, 6|n(n+ 1)(2n+ 1).^3

(^3) Of course, this is obvious to those who know the formula:
k^2 = n(n+ 1)(2 6 n+ 1).

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