Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

SECTION 2.1 Elementary Number Theory 63

=q 1 +


q 2 +


q 3 +


... ...

qm− 1 +




  1. For any positive integern, letUnbe the set of all integers relatively
    prime ton. Now letm, nbe relatively prime positive integers and
    show that

  2. Letn >1 be an integer and define the so-calledEulerφ-function
    (or Euler’stotientfunction) by setting
    φ(n) = # of integersm, 1 ≤m < nwhich are relatively prime withn.

Now prove the following.

(a) Ifpis prime, thenφ(p) =p−1.
(b) Ifpis prime, and ifeis a positive integer, thenφ(pe) =
pe−^1 (p−1).
(c) If m andn are relatively prime, φ(mn) = φ(m)φ(n). (Hint:
Try this line of reasoning. Let 1≤k < mnand letrm, rnbe
the remainders ofkby dividing bymandn, respectively. Show
that if gcd(k,mn) = 1, then gcd(rm,m) = gcd(rn,n) = 1.
Conversely, assume that we have integers 1 ≤ rm < m and
1 ≤ rn < n with gcd(rm,m) = gcd(rn,n) = 1. Apply the
Euclidean trick to obtain integerss,sm,sn,t,tn,tmsatisfying

sm+tn= 1, smrm+tmm= 1, snrn+tnn= 1.

Letk=smrn+tnrm, and letkmnbe the remainder obtained
by dividingk by mn. Show that 1 ≤ kmn < mn and that
gcdkmn,mn) = 1. This sets up a correspondence between the
positive integers less thanmnand relatively prime tomnand
the pairs of integers less thanmandnand relatively prime to
mandn, respectively.)
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