Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

66 CHAPTER 2 Discrete Mathematics

x = x 0 −


t, y=y 0 +


t, t∈Z (2.1)

Finally, we see (by substituting into the equation) that the above ac-
tually is a solution; therefore we have determinedall solutions of the
given Diophantine equation. We summarize.

Theorem. Given the linear Diophantine equationax+by=cwhere
cis a multiple ofd= gcd(a,b), and given a particular solution(x 0 ,y 0 ),
the general solution is given by

x = x 0 −


t, y=y 0 +


t, t∈Z.

Example. Consider the Diophantine equation 2x+ 3y= 48.

(i) Find all solutions of this equation.
(ii) Find allpositivesolutions, i.e., all solutions (x,y) withx, y >0.

Solution. First of all, a particular solution can be found by simple
inspection: clearly (x,y) = (24,0) is a solution. Next, since 2 and 3 are
relatively prime we conclude from the above theorem that the general
solution is given by

x= 24− 3 t, y= 2t, t∈Z.

Next, if we seek only positive solutions then clearlyt >0 and 24−t >0.
This reduces immediately to 0< t <24, which is equivalent with saying
that 1≤t≤23. That is, the positive solutions are described by writing

x= 24− 3 t, y= 2t, t∈Z, 1 ≤t≤ 23.


  1. Find all integer solutions of the Diophantine equation 4x+ 6y=
    100. Also, find all positive solutions.

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