Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

SECTION 2.1 Elementary Number Theory 67

  1. Find all solutions of 15x+ 16y= 900, withx, y≥0.

  2. Suppose that someone bought a certain number of 39-cent pens
    and a certain number of 69-cent pens, paying $11.37 for the total.
    Find the number of 39-cent pens and the number of 69-cent pens

  3. I recently purchased a number of DVDs at 6Ueach and a number
    of DVDs at 7Ueach, paying 249Ufor the total. Find the number of
    6 UDVDs and the number of 7UDVDs assuming that I purchased
    approximately the same number of each.

  4. Solve 15x− 24 y= 3, x,y≥0.

  5. Farmer Jones owes Farmer Brown $10. Both are poor, and neither
    has any money, but Farmer Jones has 14 cows valued at $184 each
    and Farmer Jones has a large collection of pigs, each valued at
    $110. Is there a way for Farmer Jones to pay off his debt?

  6. A Pythagorean triple is a triple (a,b,c) of positive integers
    such that a^2 +b^2 = c^2. Therefore, (3, 4 ,5) is an example of a
    Pythagorean triple. So is (6, 8 ,10). Call a Pythagorean triple
    (a,b,c) primitive ifa, b, andcshare no common factor greater
    than 1. Therefore, (3, 4 ,5) is a primitive Pythagorean triple, but
    (6, 8 ,10) is not.

(a) Assume thatsandtare positive integers such that
(i)t < s,
(ii)sandtare relatively prive, and
(iii) one ofs, tis odd; the other is even.
Show that ifx= 2st, y=s^2 −t^2 , z=s^2 +t^2 , then (x,y,z) is
a Pythagorean triple.
(b) Show that every Pythagorean triple occurs as in (a), above.

  1. This problem involves a system of Diophantine equations.^6 Ed and
    Sue bike at equal and constant rates. Similarly, they jog at equal
    and constant rates, and they swim at equal and constant rates. Ed

(^6) Essentially Problem #3 from the 2008 American Invitational Mathematics Examination.

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