74 CHAPTER 2 Discrete Mathematics
m ≡ 7(mod 10)
m ≡ 17(mod 26).
- Find the least positive integer solution of the congruences
m ≡ 7(mod 10)
m ≡ 5(mod 26)
m ≡ 1(mod 12).
- Solve the problem of the woman and the eggs, given at the begin-
ning of this section. - IfAandBare sets, one defines theCartesian productofAand
Bby setting
A×B = {(a,b)|a∈Aand b∈B}.
Now suppose that the positive integers m and n are relatively
prime, and define the function
f:Zmn→Zm×Zn byf(xmn) = (xm,xn)∈Zm×Zn.
Using the Chinese remainder theorem, show that the functionfis
one-to-one and onto.
8.^8 The integerN is written as
N = 102030x 05060 y
in decimal (base 10) notation, wherex andy are missing digits.
Find the values of x and y so that N has the largest possible
value and is also divisible by both 9 and 4. (Hint: note that
N ≡−1 +x+y(mod 9) andN≡y(mod 4).)
(^8) This is problem #5 on the January 10, 2008 ASMA (American Scholastic Mathematics Associ-
ation) senior division contest.