SECTION 2.1 Elementary Number Theory 79
(c) Conclude from part (b) that there must be infinitely many
- Here’s yet another proof that there are infinitely many primes^13
We start with the simple observation that for any integern≥2,n
andn+ 1 share no prime factors. Therefore, the productn(n+ 1)
must contain at least two distinct prime factors. We now generate
a sequence of integers as follows. Let
n 1 = 2· 3
n 2 = n 1 (n 1 + 1) = 42
n 3 = n 2 (n 2 + 1) = 42·43 = 1806
What is the minimum number of distinct prime factors contained
- For any positive integern, letτ(n) be the number of divisors (in-
cluding 1 andn) ofn. Thusτ(1) = 1, τ(2) = 2, τ(3) = 2, τ(4) =
3 , τ(10) = 4, etc. Give a necessary and sufficient condition for
τ(n) to be odd. - Continuation of Exercise 10. For each positive integern, set
S(n) =τ(1) +τ(2) +···+τ(n).
Letabe the number of integersn≤2000 for whichS(n) is even.
2.1.5 The Principle of Mathematical Induction
In the previous section we showed that every integernhas at least one
prime factor essentially by dividing the setNinto the two subsets: the
set of all integersnwhich have a prime factor, and set of those which
do not. This latter set was dubbed the set of “criminals” for the sake
(^13) See Filip Saidak,A New Proof of Euclid’s Theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol. 113,
No. 9, Nov., 2006, 937–938. 14
This is a modification of Problem #12 of the American Invitational Mathematics Examination,
2005 (I).