Advanced High-School Mathematics

(Tina Meador) #1

88 CHAPTER 2 Discrete Mathematics

  1. Let p be a prime number. The integers a and b are said to be
    multiplicative inverses modulopifab≡1(modp). Using the
    Euclidean trick, prove that if p doesn’t divide a, then a has a
    multiplicative inverse modulop.

  2. Find the multiplicative inverse of 2 modulo 29.

  3. Find the multiplicative inverse of 3 modulo 113.

  4. Prove Wilson’s Theorem:
    where p is a prime. (Hint; pair each divisor of (p−1)! with its
    inverse modulop; of course, this requires the result of exercise 4,

  5. Theorderof the integeramodulo the primepis theleastpositive
    integer n such thatan ≡ 1(modp). Show that n|p−1. (Hint:
    show that ifd= gcd(n,p−1), thenad≡1(mod p).)

  6. As we saw from Fermat’s little theorem, if p is prime and if a
    is an integer not divisible by p, then ap−^1 ≡ 1 (modp). What
    about the converse? That is, suppose that nis a positive integer
    and that for every integerarelatively prime ton we havean−^1 ≡
    1 (modn). Mustnthen be prime? Looking for a counter example
    takes some time, leading one to (almost) believe this converse.
    However, suppose that we were to find a candidate integernand
    found that for every prime divisorp of n, that p− 1 |n−1.
    Show thatnsatisfies the above.^18

  7. Here’s a very surprising application of Euler’s Theorem, above.^19
    Define the sequence a 1 , a 2 , ..., by settinga 1 = 2, a 2 = 2a^1 , a 3 =
    2 a^2 , .... Then for any integern, the sequence a 1 , a 2 , ..., even-
    tually becomes constant (modn). The proof proof proceeds by
    induction onnand can be carried out along the following lines.

(^18) Such an integer is called aCarmichael number, the first such beingn= 561, which is why
the converse to Fermat’s little theorem can appear true! It is known that there are, in fact, infinitely
many Carmichael numbers, which means that there are infinitely many counter examples to the
converse of Fermat’s little theorem. 19
I’m indebted to my student, Nelson Zhang, for pointing out this exercise, commenting also that
this is Problem #3 on the 1991 USA Olympiad contest. The hints given above are the result of our

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