The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

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going beyond simply wringing his hands. He has spoken out with
a call to embrace hope, quoting noted physicians who prescribe
hope as curative, based on clinical studies. “Hope is both biologi-
cally and psychologically vital,” Billy stated. “Men and women
must have hope.”
Leaders understand this. If doctors see hope as dramatically
effective medicine, leaders need to also wisely and liberally dis-
pense it to those who look to them to “define reality.”
All this comes down to day-by-day leaders, when we touch
others who catch our spirit. Says Amway founder Richard M.
DeVos, “Few things in the world are more powerful than a posi-
tive push. A smile, a word of optimism, and hope.”

Brood Not; Confront Catastrophe
Crises in some form come to every leader. Those caused by
evil intent can create anger and thirst for revenge. But respond-
ing in kind chills a leader’s ability to deal with the new realities.
David Sarnoff, former head of RCA, advised, “Let us not para-
lyze our capacity for good by brooding over man’s capacity for evil.”
In 2001, after the tragic events of 9/11, many felt paralysis as
on television they saw over and over the results of “man’s capac-
ity for evil.” Billy Graham was called on to bring hope and mean-
ing to his stunned fellow citizens.
What could he say? He knew his message in the National
Cathedral just three days after the devastation would be viewed
by millions around the globe.
Billy spoke with a mature empathy born from experience. He
not only felt the shock and dismay himself but put himself in the
place of his listeners. He assured them God understood their feel-
ings about the terrible carnage. He spoke of tragedy and evil and
suffering, but that God is a God of love, mercy, and compassion.
“Who can understand it?” he asked, honestly.
Then he communicated hope. “I’ve become an old man now,”
he said, “and the older I get, the more I cling to that hope that I
started with many years ago.” Billy spoke of Ambassador Andrew
Young, who, after the tragic death of his wife, quoted from the

Communicating Optimism and Hope
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