The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

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old hymn “How Firm a Foundation”: “We all watched in horror
as planes crashed into the steel and glass of the World Trade Cen-
ter. Those majestic towers, built on solid foundations, were exam-
ples of the prosperity and creativity of America. When damaged,
those buildings eventually plummeted to the ground, imploding
upon themselves. Yet underneath the debris is a foundation that
was not destroyed. Therein lies the truth of that old hymn that
Andrew Young quoted: ‘How firma foundation.’
“Yes, our nation has been attacked. Buildings destroyed. Lives
lost. But now we have a choice: whether to implode and disinte-
grate emotionally and spiritually as a people, and a nation, or,
whether we choose to become stronger.”
Billy identified with those who long for leadership in the
maelstrom. He gave them both specific responses to the obvious
questions and a basis for hope. Among his
concluding words were these: “My prayer
today is that we will feel the loving arms
of God wrapped around us.”
We may not be called on to speak to large audiences in crisis,
but the small audiences we do have—maybe just one person—
need to hear in context the positive messages so necessary. As
Billy has said, “Men and women must have hope.”

Points to Ponder

I’ve read the last page of the Bible. It’s all going to turn out all right.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
PSALM 23:6

The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

Never flinch, never worry,
never despair.
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