The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham

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What were his financial expectations? “Billy is a realist,”
Graeme told us. “He has seen the economy go both ways. He has a
great gut feel for the future. He wasn’t led by in-depth business
analyses but always had a vision of what God wanted him to do—
and he knew how to convey his vision to his board and employees.”
We had heard from others that if anything, Billy was often
more conservative on money than his trustees. Graeme affirmed
that, quoting Billy as saying, “Whatever God provides, we will live
within the budget.”
Long ago, when Graeme and others were planning a Char-
lotte campaign, they wanted to use Panther Stadium. Billy, how-
ever, was more cautious and wanted a smaller venue. “Billy didn’t
think that many people would want to come. Expenses would be
very large because of the special construction needed. The budget
would be $3.1 million.” Graeme then said that Billy had gone
along with the Panther Stadium plan, and then he was able to
conclude his story with a smile, “We raised $4.1 million and sent
one million after the crusade to the BGEA.”
The picture from our research was clear: Billy listened intently
to his advisers. In fact, someone observed, “He listens so loud you
can hear him.” Yet sometimes he stuck with his own gut; other
times he followed his counselors. Invariably, he was determined
to sense God’s will—and he often judged that by unanimity on
his board.
“His last great vision was Amsterdam 2000,” Graeme said.
“The analysis indicated it would cost $35 million, which was a
huge amount. Billy believed we needed to do it to get the message
out. He always kept his focus. Top CEOs often get wrapped up in
airplanes and other toys, but not Billy.”
Here we sense the complexity of his determination not to
waste money, yet his equal determination to use even large sums
to further the vision. His focus on the vision clarified his alloca-
tion of funds and kept him from distractions.
We asked Graeme about Billy’s approach to personal finances.
“His idea was to give his resources away. He told me, ‘I’d like
to die with nothing.’”

The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham
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