(John Hannent) #1


Fig. 8.18 On removal of caries an exposure of the pulp below the mesio-lingual
cusp is clearly evident.

Fig. 8.19 (a) The figure shows a lower right second primary molar where after
removing the roof of the pulp chamber the coronal pulp is being completely removed
using excavators. (b) Cotton pledget with the medicament placed over the radicular
pulp tissue to control the bleeding. (c) On removal of the cotton pledget bleeding
from the amputation sites has stopped. (d) Kalzinol (or any other zinc oxide eugenol
preparation) placed in the pulp chamber prior to placing the coronal restoration. (e)
Periapical radiograph of right upper first primary molar showing a completed
pulpotomy. Note excellent condensation of cement in the pulp chamber and coronal
restoration with stainless-steel crown.

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