(John Hannent) #1

Hosey, M. T. (2002). Managing anxious children: the use of conscious sedation in
paediatric dentistry. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 12 , 359-72. (A
useful guide to managing anxious children.)

Kent, G. G. and Blinkhorn, A. S. (1991). The psychology of dental care (2nd edn).
Wright, Bristol. (This short book highlights the important psychological aspects of
providing clinical care, as well as giving details of the Houpt, Frankl, and Corah
dental anxiety scales.)

Kupietzky, A. (2004). Strap him down or knock him out: is conscious sedation with
restraint an alternative to general anaesthesia? British Dental Journal, 196 , 133-8. (A
discussion on the role of conscious sedation allied to the use of restraint in paediatric

Levine, R. S. and Stillman-Lowe, C. (2004). The scientific basis of oral health
education. BDJ Books, London (A comprehensive guide to dental health education
and promotion, including the key preventive messages.)

Manley, M. C. G. (2004). A UK perspective. British Dental Journal, 196 , 138-9. (A
view on the use of HOME in the United Kingdom.)

Wanless, M. B. and Holloway, P. J. (1994). An analysis of audio-recordings of
general dental practitioners' consultations with adolescent patients. British Dental
Journal, 177 , 94-8. (This article gives advice on how to improve communication skills
in the surgery and reminds clinicians that our livelihood depends on effective

Wright, G., Starkey, P. E., Gardener, D. E., and Curzon, M. E. J. (1987). Child
management in dentistry. Wright, Bristol. (A detailed account of child management,
including advice on how to introduce different clinical techniques.)

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