(John Hannent) #1

Even if the incisor has not erupted it has usually come down such that the crown is
just submucosal and only requires minimal exposure of the incisal edge, aiming to
minimize loss of attached gingiva (960HFig. 14.24 (a)-(c)).

  1. Supplemental teeth of normal morphology cause localized crowding unless there is
    generalized spacing in the arch. 961HFigure 14.25 shows a supplemental upper lateral
    incisor, and treatment consists of extracting one of the two lateral incisors in that
    quadrant. One is often smaller than the other and, if possible, the tooth that matches
    the contralateral incisor should be retained, but the severity of displacement and
    difficulty of orthodontic alignment must also be taken into account.


Fig. 14.22 An erupted conical mid-line
supernumerary which has not prevented
eruption of 1|1, but has displaced |1.


Fig. 14.23 (a) and (b) Failure of
eruption of 1|1 due to the presence of
two tuberculate supernumerary teeth.
(Photos courtesy of Mr T. G. Bennett.)
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