Marketing Communications

(vip2019) #1
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Marketing Communications


Organizination And Management Of Advertising
Agencies And Advertising Departments

The objective that is usually behind this type of advertising is not to communicate with football fans
who attend the game only, but rather, to communicate with television viewers too. As the camera follows
the non-stop action on the field, each of the signs showing a corporate logo will be seen by billions of
people watching the game worldwide, thus providing a wider audience reach. Football competitions,
such as the world cup, will always attract international advertisers.


STANDARDISED INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING: is the practice of advertising the same product
in the same way everywhere in the world.

A standardized advertisement has virtually no change in its theme, copy or illustration (other than

Benefits of standardized advertising to the firm are:

  1. Decision simplification

  2. Cost reduction

  3. Efficiency

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