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Marketing Communications
Advertising Media
- PROGRAMMES MORTALITY: the rate of program mortality can be high. There is no
good way of determining in advance the probable success of a programme thus time buying
has to be made on the basis of educated guesses. This factor can increase the risk of poor
message exposure, wastage and ineffective coverage. - VARIATIONS IN PROGRAMME POPULARITY: A programme may be highly rated
and attract large viewership or audience in some areas. The same programme may be less
popular in other areas covered by the network, thus it becomes less attractive to viewers or
listeners. This factor can reduce the extent of message exposure among the network viewers
or audience thereby resulting in wastage since the message would still be shown in those
areas covered by the network programme.
National advertisers sometimes wish to reach only specific geographic areas or Spots in the nation.
When using national spot, advertisers do not use network facilities, but rather, select individual station
to reach specific target markets.
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