Marketing Communications

(vip2019) #1
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Marketing Communications
Sales Promotion And Publicity

LEAD TIME is the time necessary to bring the programme up to the point of announcing the deal to
consumers and the markets.

SELL-OFF-TIME begins at the date of release and ends when approximately got to 95 per cent of the
deal merchandise is in the hands of consumers, which may take one to several months, depending on
the deal duration.


Evaluation is a crucial requirement for improving any programme. Marketing firms can use any of four
methods to measure sales promotion effectives. The four methods include-

•    Sales Performance Movement: this will be done before, during and after a promotion
campaign. Suppose a company has a 6 per cent market share in the pre-promotional period,
which jumps to 10 per cent during the promotion, falls to 5 per cent immediately after the
promotion, and rises to 7 per cent after some time. In this case, the promotion evidently
attracted new triers as well as more purchasing from existing customers. They loaded up on
the goods, and after the promotion, sales fell as consumers worked down their inventories.
The long-run rise to 7 per cent indicates, however, that the company gained some new users.
In other cases, the brand’s with result that the promotion only altered the time pattern of
demand rather than the total demand.
• Consumer Panel Data can be used to examine the kinds of people who responded to the
promotion and what they switched to after the promotion. A study carried out by some
researchers, using consumer panel data for a sales promotion enhance brand switching, the
rate of switching, depending on the type of deal offered in the sales promotion. Media –
distributed coupons induce substantial switching, a discount-off deals induce somewhat
affect brand switching. The study showed in addition, that consumers generally return to
their preferred brand after the deal.
• Consumer Surveys can be conducted to learn how many recalled the sales promotion, what
they thought of it, how many took advantage of it, and how it affected their subsequent
brand choice behaviour.
• Experiments: sales promotions can also be evaluated through carefully arranged experiments.
Some large companies test alternative strategies in selected market areas with each of their
national promotions. Sales promotion can play an important role in the total promotion
mix. Although it is used on an ad hoc and residual basis by many firms, it can be used
more systematically and effectively by defining the sales promotion objectives, selecting the
appropriate tools, constructing the sales promotion programme, pre-testing it, implementing
and controlling it, and evaluating the results.
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