Marketing Communications

(vip2019) #1
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Marketing Communications
Sales Promotion And Publicity


Resellers, such as wholesaler and retailers are intermediaries who perform the vital functions of effecting
exchange of goods produced by various manufacturers to buyers in usable assortments.


The promotional role of resellers depends greatly on the promotion strategy adopted by the manufacturer.
For example, a manufacturer who uses more of pull strategy advertising will leave a small promotional
role for the reseller while the one using push strategy – personal selling – will require reseller to get
highly involved in promotional efforts. Changes in the promotional role of wholesalers and retailers do
occur as product mature, three basic stages in the product life cycle are very important:

•    The introductory stage
• The competitive stage
• The commodity stage

INTRODUCTORY STAGE: at this stage of product development, a great deal of special selling effort is
required to familiarize consumers with the new product type and to gain distribution at wholesale and
retail. Some manufacturers sell directly to retailers at this stage, bypassing wholesalers until the need for
special promotional effort has reduced. Other manufacturers use wholesalers, but restrict distribution so
that each wholesaler will be willing to engage in the special selling required. Distribution at retail may
also be on highly selective basis, to gain cooperation from individual retailers.

COMPETITIVE STAGE: as products pass from the introductory stage to the competitive stage, the
manufacturer’s selling task changes from building primary demand to stimulating selective demand.
At this stage of the product life cycle, the manufacturer must recognize that unless special incentive is
provided, wholesalers and retailers have little reason to push one brand of a product type at the expense
of another. The reseller’s task has changed from stimulating demand for a new product to the routine
selling of an established one.

COMMODITY STAGE: this stage occurs during product maturity, brand preference weakens physical
variation among competing products, and method of production stabilizes. Manufacturer strategy puts a
greater reliance on price rather than non-price competition. As the price spreads among different brands
of the same type of product narrows, the opportunities for wholesalers and retailers to sell on the basis
of their own patronage appeals increase. At this stage, promotional efforts would be more focused on
service delivery and credit extension, as reseller’s important selling points.

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