Marketing Communications

(vip2019) #1
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Marketing Communications
Sales Promotion And Publicity


  1. The objectives of wholesalers.

  2. The division of the selling task.

  3. The type and extent of manufacturer’s help.

  4. The type and extent of competition.

  5. The adequacy of margin.


Retailers are those marketing intermediaries that resell commodities to final users, usually for household
consumption. They make up the final link in the distribution chain.

Retailers perform those marketing functions that enable them to build assortments of goods which will
appeal to their markets. They perform the functions of buying and selling, act as consumer purchasing
agents by anticipating and satisfying wants. They facilitate end users’ transportation and storing of
required products.


  1. STORE TYPES: retail stores like convenience stores, shopping and specialty. A convenience
    store is one which customers patronize because of its excellent location or other factors
    which add to customer convenience. A shopping store is one which attracts customers
    on the basis of width and depth of assortments carried and which might also be in close
    proximity to other shopping stores. A specialty store is one which has developed a strong
    selective demand of its particular product, price, service offering and location.

  2. FUNCTIONAL MIX OF MARKETING EFFORTS: marketing function performed at
    retail ends include buying, selling, storage, transportation and the granting of credit. Some
    retailers are organized to provide these marketing function mix; an example is the function
    of department stores.

  3. OwNERSHIP: type of ownership influences the way in which retail stores sell.

There are independently owned stores and chain stores. Their ability to provide selling support depends
on the size of their operation, and management.

Selling efforts at retail rely on these promotional techniques:

  1. Personal Selling

  2. Advertising

  3. Display

  4. In-store product demonstrations.

  5. Special selling events within the community.

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