Marketing Communications

(vip2019) #1
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Marketing Communications


Consumer Behaviour And Marketing Communication


  1. CLOSURE: this is the tendency of reporting an incomplete figure as complete.

  2. SIMILARITY: objects or products that appear to an individual to be similar are perceived
    to belong together.

  3. PROXIMITY: things located near each other tend to be perceived as belonging together.

  4. CONTEXT: the setting of an object or product often determines how it will be perceived.

Advertisers try to get their messages on a programme that is in context with the products. For instance,
a producer of exercise books may run their advertisement in a programme that focuses on education
or intellectual development.

Other influencing factors on perception are:

•    Large size, this can pull more attention than small size such as a full-page advertisement
in a magazine can attract more attention than a quarter page.
• Loud sounds, bright colours and movement attract attention especially when their
background is in contrast.
• Moving signs are perceived more easily than motionless signs – as can be noticed on a Neon
Sign compared with a billboard.
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