Intermediate German: A Grammar and Workbook

(Tina Meador) #1
Comparative Superlative
billig → billiger → am billigsten
klein kleiner am kleinsten

Note that most monosyllabic adjectives with the stem vowel a,oorualso
take an umlaut in both forms:

Comparative Superlative
warm → wärmer → am wärmsten
jung jünger am jüngsten

Usage before and after noun
When appearing aftera noun the comparative and superlative form don’t
take any additional endings:

Ist die Tasche billiger?
Is that bag cheaper?

Mein Computer war am billigsten.
My computer was the cheapest.

When both forms appear directly in frontof a noun they take the same
endings as all adjectives. Note that in the superlative ‘am’ is omitted:

Ich habe einen jüngerenBruder.(indef. art., acc., masc.)
I have got a younger brother

Er nahm das kleinste Stück. (def. art., acc.,nom., neuter.)
He took the smallest piece.

Spelling variations and irregular forms
Note the following spelling variations:

  • In the comparativeform adjectives ending in -eldrop the -e, while
    adjectives ending in -er, drop the -eafter-auand-eu:dunkel–dunkler

    • am dunkelsten,teuer–teurer–am teuersten.

  • Adjectives ending in -d,-t, -sch,-haft,-s,-ß,-xand-zusually insert an
    extra-ein the superlative:gesund–gesünder–am gesündesten, inter-
    essant–interessanter–am interessantesten.

  • hoch,großandnahchange their forms as follows:hoch–höher–am
    höchsten,groß–größer–am größten,nah–näher–am nächsten.

  • gutandvielhave quite irregular forms: gut–besser–am besten,viel

    • mehr–am meisten.

112 Unit 15: Adjectives and adverbs


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