Arbeitetsie noch bei Siemens?
Does she still work at Siemens?
With two verbs
When there are two verbs in a yes/no-question, the finite verb– the verb
which takes the personal ending – remains in the first position while the
second verb moves to the end:
Kannich noch ein Bier haben?
Can I have another beer?
Hater mit dem Rauchen aufgehört?
Has he stopped smoking?
Sindsie mit dem Flugzeug gekommen?
Did they come by plane?
Difference between German and English
In English, you often need a form of the verb ‘to do’ when forming yes/no-
questions: ‘Does she still work for Siemens?’. In German, this type of
structure does not exist. Yes/no-questions always start with the finite verb:
Arbeitet sie noch bei Siemens?
Meaning and usage
Question words – often referred to as interrogatives– usually start with
the letter win German. Frequently used question words include:
wer? who?
welcher? which? what?
was? was für? what? what kind of?
wann? when?
wo? wohin? woher? where? where (to)? where from?
wie? wie viel? wie viele? how? how much? how many?
wie lang? wie lange? how long? for how long?
warum? wieso? why?
wozu? what for?
Unit 17: Forming questions 127