Looking up plural forms
Note that dictionaries also give information on plural nouns. You can
usually find the plural ending or form of a noun after its gender and geni-
tive case ending:
Vater m-s, ̈-father → die Väter
Babynt-s,-sbaby die Babys
Telefon nt-s,-etelephone die Telefone
- For more detail on gender of nouns, see Unit 1.
Exercise 2.1
Here are five groups of nouns in the singular. Look at the plural endings
in the box and match them to each column. The first one has been done
for you.
̈-e ̈- er -e -(e)n –
1 ̈-e 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______
Ball Blume Wagen Tag Wald
Fuß Frau Onkel Arm Mann
Hand Bäckerei Mädchen Beruf Dorf
Ton Tasche Messer Schuh Glas
Exercise 2.2
Give the plural of the following nouns.
Example: der Mann →dieMänner
1 der Beruf die ______ 11 das Radio die ______
2 der Fuß die ______ 12 das Hotel die ______
3 der Spiegel die ______ 13 der PC die ______
4 die Stadt die ______ 14 der Manager die ______
5 die Kultur die ______ 15 das Zentrum die ______
6 die Friseurin die ______ 16 das Thema die ______
Unit 2: Plural of nouns 13