Intermediate German: A Grammar and Workbook

(Tina Meador) #1
Note that mögencan only be used in structures with nounsor noun
phrases. In connection with verb structures,gernhas to be used: Sietrinkt
gernitalienischen Wein. Wir hören gernklassische Musik.

mögenis frequently used in its subjunctive form, möchten‘would like’:

Ich möchte einen Cappuccino.
I would like a cappuccino.

Was möchtest du machen?
What would you like to do?

For more details on the different forms of möchten, see Unit 23.

müssen–necessity, obligation
müssenusually expresses a sense of necessity or obligation and corres-
ponds to the English ‘must’ or ‘to have to’:

Wir müssen jetzt gehen.
We must/have to go now.

Sie muss das Projekt bis Anfang September fertig haben.
She must/has to finish the project by the beginning of September.

In the negative,müssendoes not convey the meaning of prohibition as it
does in English, but means ‘don’t have to’ or ‘don’t need to’:

Ihr müsst jetzt noch nicht gehen.
You don’t have to/don’t need to go now.

Du musst dir keine Sorgen machen.
You don’t have to/don’t need to worry.

Note that in these contexts brauchenis often used as an alternative:

Ihr braucht jetzt noch nicht zu gehen.
You don’t need to/have to go now.

sollen– obligations, commands
sollenis mainly used to convey a sense of obligation and corresponds to
the English ‘be supposed to’, ‘should’:

Peter soll fettarmer essen.
Peter is supposed to eat less fat.

52 Unit 7: Modal verbs


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