Android Tutorial

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Android Tutorial 147

Defining and Using Tweened Animation Resources

Tweened animation features include scaling, fading, rotation, and
translation. These actions can be applied simultaneously or
sequentially and might use different interpolators. Tweened
animation sequences are not tied to a specific graphic file, so you
can write one sequence and then use it for a variety of different
graphics. For example, you can make moon, star, and diamond
graphics all pulse using a single scaling sequence, or you can make
them spin using a rotate sequence.

Graphic animation sequences can be stored as specially formatted
XML files in the /res/anim directory and are compiled into the
application binary at build time.

Here’s an example of a simple animation resource file
/res/anim/spin.xml that defines a simple rotate operation—rotating
the target graphic counterclockwise four times in place, taking 10
seconds to complete:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?>
<set xmlns:android=”

android:duration=”10000” />

If we go back to the example of a BitmapDrawable earlier, we can
now add some animation simply by adding the following code to
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