Android Tutorial

(avery) #1

By : Ketan Bhimani

156 

Designing a layout file using Eclipse.

As with most user interface designers, the Android plug-in works
well for your basic layout needs, enables you to create user
interface controls such as TextView and Button controls easily, and
enables setting the controls’ properties in the Properties pane.

Now is a great time to get to know the layout resource designer.
Try creating a new Android project called ParisView (available as a
sample project). Navigate to the /res/layout/main.xml layout file
and double-click it to open it in the resource editor. It’s quite
simple by default, only a black (empty) rectangle and string of text.

Below in the Resource pane of the Eclipse perspective, you notice
the Outline tab. This outline is the XML hierarchy of this layout file.
By default, you see a LinearLayout.
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