Android Tutorial

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Android Tutorial 221

programmatically as necessary, but they can set all the defaults in
the XML template.

You’ll recognize the following as a simple layout file with a
LinearLayout and a single TextView control. This is the default
layout file provided with any new Android project in Eclipse,
referred to as /res/layout/main.xml:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=
android:layout_height=”fill_parent” >
android:text=”@string/hello” />

This block of XML shows a basic layout with a single TextView. The
first line, which you might recognize from most XML files, is
required. Because it’s common across all the files, we do not show
it in any other examples.

Next, we have the LinearLayout element. LinearLayout is a
ViewGroup that shows each child View either in a single column or
in a single row. When applied to a full screen, it merely means that
each child View is drawn under the previous View if the orientation
is set to vertical or to the right of the previous View if orientation is
set to horizontal.

Finally, there is a single child View—in this case, a TextView. A
TextView is a control, which is also a View. A TextView draws text
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