Android Tutorial

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Android Tutorial 229

Figure shows the Hierarchy Viewer loaded with the ParisView
project from Chapter 6, which was a one-screen application with a
single LinearLayout with a TextView and an ImageView child control
within it, all encapsulated within a ScrollView control(for scrolling
ability). The bulk of the application is shown in the right sub-tree,
starting with LinearLayout with the identifier ParisViewLayout. The
other sub-tree is the Application title bar. A simple double-click on
each child node opens that View object individually in its own

The ParisView application, shown in the Hierarchy Viewer
tool (Layout View).

Each View can be separately displayed in its own window by
selecting the appropriate View in the tree and choosing the Display
View button on the menu bar. In Figure, you can also see that
Display View is enabled on each of the child nodes: the ImageView

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