Android Tutorial

(avery) #1
Android Tutorial 317

Designing Persistent Databases

Generally speaking, an application creates a database and uses it
for the rest of the application’s lifetime—by which we mean until
the application is uninstalled from the phone. So far, we’ve talked
about the basics of creating a database, using it, and then deleting

In reality, most mobile applications do not create a database on-
the-fly, use them, and then delete them. Instead, they create a
database the first time they need it and then use it. The Android
SDK provides a helper class called SQLiteOpenHelper to help you
manage your application’s database.

To create a SQLite database for your Android application using the
SQLiteOpenHelper, you need to extend that class and then
instantiate an instance of it as a member variable for use within
your application. To illustrate how to do this, let’s create a new
Android project called PetTracker.

Keeping Track of Database Field Names

You’ve probably realized by now that it is time to start organizing
your database fields programmatically to avoid typos and such in
your SQL queries. One easy way you do this is to make a class to
encapsulate your database schema in a class, such as PetDatabase,
shown here:

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