Android Tutorial

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Android Tutorial 383

Client() method. The following code demonstrates using WebView
features to enable interactivity with the user. An EditText and a
Button control are added below the WebView control, and a Button
handler is implemented as follows:

Button go = (Button) findViewById(;
go.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {

Calling the loadUrl() method again, as shown, is all that is needed
to cause the WebView control to download another HTML page for
display, as shown in Figure. From here, you can build a generic web
browser in to any application, but you can apply restrictions so that
the user is restricted to browsing relevant materials.

WebView with EditText allowing
entry of arbitrary URLs.

Using WebChromeClient can help add
some typical chrome on the screen. For
instance, you can use it to listen for
changes to the title of the page, various
JavaScript dialogs that might be
requested, and even for developer-
oriented pieces, such as the console
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