Android Tutorial

(avery) #1
Android Tutorial 3

ballgame and waited around for hours hoping to reunite? When we
forgot the grocery list and had to find a payphone or drive back
home again?

Those days are long gone. Today, commonplace problems such as
these are easily solved with a one-button speed dial or a simple
text message like “WRU?” or “20?” or “Milk and?”

Our mobile phones keep us safe and connected. Now we roam
around freely, relying on our phones not only to keep in touch with
friends, family, and coworkers, but also to tell us where to go, what
to do, and how to do it. Even the most domestic of events seem to
revolve around my mobile phone.

Mobile phones have become a crucial shopping accessory.

Consider the following true story, which has
been slightly enhanced for effect:

Once upon a time, on a warm summer
evening, I was happily minding my own
business cooking dinner in my new house
in rural New Hampshire when a bat
swooped over my head, scaring me to

The first thing I did—while ducking—was to
pull out my cell phone and send a text
message to my husband, who was across
the country at the time. I typed, “There’s a
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