Android Tutorial

(avery) #1
Android Tutorial 77

Choose the Android Device as your target, and you see that the My
First Android App application gets loaded onto the Android handset
and launched, just as before. Provided you have enabled the
development debugging options on the handset, you can debug the
application here as well. You can tell the handset is actively using a
USB debugging connection, because there is a little Android bug-
like icon in the notification bar. A screenshot of the application
running on a real handset is shown in Figure.

My First Android App running on Android device hardware.

Debugging on the handset is much the
same as debugging on the emulator, but
with a couple of exceptions. You cannot use
the emulator controls to do things such as
send an SMS or configure the location to
the device, but you can perform real
actions (true SMS, actual location data)

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