Serial Port Complete - Latest Microcontroller projects

(lily) #1

Chapter 7

 Public Function IsLongLine
(ByVal propagationRate As Integer,

ByVal cableLength As Integer,
ByVal driverRiseTime As Integer)

As Boolean

If (propagationRate * cableLength * 12) > _
(driverRiseTime * 1000 / 2) Then
IsLongLine = True
IsLongLine = False
End If

End Function

 public bool IsLongLine(Int32 propagationRate, Int32 cableLength, Int32 driverRiseTime)
bool IsLongLineReturn = false;

if ((propagationRate * cableLength * 12) > (driverRiseTime * 1000 / 2))
IsLongLineReturn = true;
IsLongLineReturn = false;

return IsLongLineReturn;
The function below returns the maximum length of a short line (lumped sys-
tem) for a specific propagation rate and rise time. The variables are the propaga-
tion rate in ps/in. (propagationRate), the driver rise time in ns/in.
(driverRiseTime), and the maximum length of a short line in ft (Maximum-
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