An RS-485 Network
If softwareDriverEnable Then
' Read back what was transmitted to ensure that all of the data
' has gone out.
' Then disable the RS-485 driver.
' The RS-485 transceiver's receiver must be permanently enabled
' in hardware.
dataSent = myComPort.ReadLine()
End If
' Read and decode the response.
response = myComPort.ReadLine()
If response.StartsWith(":") Then
If response.Substring(1, 1) = node Then
Select Case command
Case "1"
' write_byte command
Console.WriteLine _
("write_byte command acknowledged.")
Case "2"
' read_byte command. Display the received data.
Console.WriteLine("readbyte response data: " +
response.Substring(2, 2))
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub