Using Generic USB Controllers
Table 16-9: Example device, configuration, and interface association descriptors for a
composite device that includes a CDC function (Sheet 1 of 2).
bLength 0x12 Descriptor size in bytes (18)
bDescriptorType 0x01 Descriptor type (DEVICE)
bcdUSB 0x0200 USB specification release (BCD) (2.00)
bDeviceClass 0xEF Class (miscellaneous)
bDeviceSubclass 0x02 Subclass (common)
bDeviceProtocol 0x01 Protocol (IAD)
bMaxPacketSize0 0x40 Maximum packet size for endpoint zero (64)
idVendor 0x0925 Vendor ID (Lakeview Research; assigned by USB-IF)
idProduct 0x9055 Product ID (assigned by vendor)
bcdDevice 0x0100 Device release number (BCD, assigned by vendor) (1.00)
iManufacturer 0x01 Manufacturer string index
iProduct 0x02 Product string index
iSerialNumber 0x03 Serial number string index
bNumConfigurations 0x01 Number of possible configurations
bLength 0x09 Descriptor size in bytes (9)
bDescriptorType 0x02 Descriptor type (CONFIGURATION)
wTotalLength 0x006B Total length of this and subordinate descriptors
bNumInterfaces 0x03 Number of interfaces in this configuration
bConfigurationValue 0x01 Identifier for this configuration
iConfiguration 0x00 Configuration string index (no string defined)
bmAttributes 0x00 Attributes: bus powered, no remote wakeup
bMaxPower 0x32 Maximum power consumption (100 mA)