Drilling Long Holes D RILLING A LONG,ACCURATEhole, from edge to edge across the width of a board, for example, is one of the few ...
Bicycle Tube Drill Chuck Aid C UT A LENGTH OFbicycle inner tube an inch or two long and stretch it over the middle part of your ...
Improved Marking Gauge Point H ERE’S A MARKING GAUGEpoint that has several advantages: It leaves a knife-clean line, and its dep ...
Marking-Gauge Locking Device M ANY OF US MAKEmarking gauges and other tools that require a beam to be locked where it slides thr ...
Preset Mortise Gauge I SPECIALIZE IN MAKING CHAIRS, and after a few years I realized that my mortise-and-tenon joints were all j ...
Marking Dark Woods with a White Charcoal Pencil W HEN TRACING A PATTERN ONdark wood, such as walnut, use a charcoal white pencil ...
Overhang Marking Gauge O RIGINALLY,I MADE THISjig to mark some laminate slightly over- sized for trimming. Then I realized how h ...
Trammel Heads for Occasional Use F ACED WITH THE OCCASIONALneed to draw large-radius circles, I made a pair of wooden trammel he ...
Standard Pencil Gauge I N CABINETRY,THERE AREmany occasions when you need to mark distances from an edge and some of these recur ...
Guide for Drawing Parallel Lines H ERE IS A TOOLused by old-time patternmakers and draftsmen to lay out parallel lines. Strangel ...
Picture-Frame Marking Fixture Is Adjustable W HENI HAD TOmake a large number of hardwood picture frames, I designed this fixture ...
Dressmaker’s Tape Is Handy in the Shop A CLOTH DRESSMAKER’S TAPE, available from any sewing store (or swiped from a nearby house ...
Center Finders — Three Variations on a Theme A N OLD ORGAN-BUILDERfriend showed me this handy home- made guide for center-drilli ...
H ERE’S A SELF-CENTERINGjig for boring drawer-pull holes (see the bottom left illustration on the facing page). The pivoting sti ...
Dividing a Circle into Equidistant Intervals H ERE’S HOW TO DIVIDEthe circumference of a disc into equally spaced intervals. Fir ...
Scribing Large Circles H ERE’S AN INEXPENSIVE ANDeasy-to-make alternative to trammel points for scribing large circles or arcs. ...
Circle Division Table D URING MY 40 YEARSas a modelmaker, I have used this circle division table many times. I know of no faster ...
No. of Length No. of Length No. of Length No. of Length spaces of chord spaces of chord spaces of chord spaces of chord 3 0.8660 ...
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