
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

If your saw doesn’t have an inch scale along the fence, mount a
metal yardstick to the top of the fence. Use slotted holes so you can
fine-tune the position of the scale to reflect exact measurements.
To use the stop block for outside measurement miter cuts, simply
align the zero mark on the stop block with the appropriate outside
measure on the fence scale. To use the block for inside measurements,
first measure the width of your molding. Find the mark on the stop
block that corresponds to the width and align that mark with the
inside measure on the fence scale. For example, if your molding is
2 in. wide and the desired inside measure is 19 in., then find 2 on the
stop block and align it with 19 on the fence side.
For added convenience, construct the stop block with a square end
so it can be flipped and used for cutting pieces with square ends.
Scribe a mark on another side of the stop block to align the square
end with the fence scale. In use, fasten the stop block to the fence
with a spring clamp or a small C-clamp.
—DEANFRENCH,Kapaa, Kauai, Hawaii

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