
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Circular-Saw Cutting Template


OFTEN CUT SHEETS OFplywood with my circular saw, but it can be
difficult to place a fence the correct distance from the cut line to
guide the saw. To solve this problem, I made the template shown
below. It’s much easier to position a fence using the template than
using the saw base.
To make the template, I clamped a^1 ⁄ 8 -in. piece of hardboard to my
saw’s baseplate. Then I trimmed the hardboard to the exact size of the
plate with a router and a flush-trimming bit. Using a saw, I nipped
cuts in the front and rear of the template to show the location of
the blade.
Now when I want to cut plywood, I just draw a pencil line where
I want the cut and then align the fence (I use a Clamp ’N Tool Guide,
made by Griset Industries; 800-662-2892). It’s quick and easy to place
the fence on either side of the cut with the kerf on the waste side of
the line.


Cut kerf-location
notches in template
to line up sawcut.

Use template to posi-
tion straightedge

Line to be

Clamp ’N Tool Guide fence

Use flush-trimming bit to
rout template to size of
saw baseplate.
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