
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Biscuit-Joined Edge-Banding


ISCUIT JOINTS ARE ANeffective way to attach solid-wood edging
to plywood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF). But I like to
offset the biscuit slots a bit to ensure that the edge-banding is slightly
raised above the surface of the plywood. Otherwise, the edging will
sometimes dip slightly below the surface of the veneer.
You may be tempted to offset the slot by adjusting the fence, but
don’t do it. It’s not only time-consuming but risky, because the fence
can sometimes end up slightly out of parallel to the first slot. Cut the
slots in the edging first, and then add one or two layers of masking
tape at the front and back of the fence before you cut the slots in
the plywood.
The masking tape will slightly offset the slots by just the right
amount. A skewed block or smoothing plane will trim the edging
flush to the veneered plywood.
—KENSHAW,San Diego, Calif.


  1. Add tape to underside
    of fence; cut biscuit slots
    in plywood.

  2. Cut biscuit slots
    in lumber edging.

Plywood Maskingtape

Edging stands proud of
plywood (exaggerated
for illustration).
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