
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Two-Faced Sanding Slab


SUSPECT MANY AMONG USlike to sand small pieces of wood by
rubbing them back and forth on a whole sheet of sandpaper,
finger-pressed against the top of a workbench or the flat table of a
handy woodworking machine. And just as many of us know that it’s
only a matter of time before OOPS—we slip and that fresh sheet of
sandpaper is wrinkled or torn. If this sounds familiar, try making this
versatile sanding slab from a piece of scrap and a couple of inner-
tube ribbons. The device firmly clamps a full sheet of sandpaper for
sanding, but allows easy replacement when it’s worn out. While you’re
at it, make two slabs so you can have four different grades of sand-
paper at the ready, simply by flipping the slabs.
Size the slab as long as a sheet of sandpaper but about an inch
narrower so that you can fold the sandpaper’s edges over into the
V-grooves and hold them with the tensioned dowels. The thickness of
the slab is not important. No doubt,^3 ⁄ 4 -in. stock and^3 ⁄ 4 -in. doweling
would work just fine.


Dowel holds
sandpaper in notch.

Inner-tube strip
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