
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Metal Pins Eliminate Miter Slippage


HIS METHOD OF USINGmetal pins to prevent miter slippage dur-
ing glue-up is good on odd-shaped mitered pieces, like the
bracket feet in the sketch, that might otherwise require special clamp-
ing jigs.
Start by placing one of the joint halves, miter side up, on the drill-
press table. Select a bit the same size as an 18-gauge brad, and begin
drilling shallow holes in the miter face in a pattern that suits the job.
Place brads in these holes, nip the heads off flush with a side cutter,
and then fish each brad out of its hole and reverse it end for end so
the point is up. Now align the two halves of the mitered molding, and
push straight down on the sharp pin points. The mating half will have
an exact layout for drilling a matching set of pin holes.


Brads are inserted
in mating holes to
keep miter aligned
during glue-up.
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