
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

I much prefer spending the time applying tape than scraping glue
residue, which can cause finishing problems. Taping also has the
advantage of isolating clamp bars from the stock, thus eliminating
iron stains.
—JIMWRIGHT,Berkley, Mass.

Removing Excess Glue with Sawdust


O REMOVE EXCESS GLUEsqueezed out of a clamped joint, first
scoop up the bulk of the glue with one of the loose subscription
cards found in each issue of Fine Woodworking. Next, grab a handful of
sawdust, preferably from the wood being glued, and rub it around,
which will create little balls of glue and sawdust that will remove all
traces of the glue.
—PHILHALL,N. Berwick, Maine

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