Modified C-Clamps
LMOST ALLC-CLAMPShave sliding bars through the end of the
screw for tightening. But when you have to use several clamps
close together, as you do when gluing laminations to a curved form,
for example, these bars get in the way. On a recent project, I finally
got annoyed with the interfering handles, so I removed the tightening
bars and welded nuts to the ends of the clamp’s screws. Now I can
easily take up the slack by twisting the screws with my thumb and
forefinger and then give each a final tightening with a short-handled
socket wrench. As an added bonus, the clamps stack up neatly on a
storage post.
—JACKJEROME,Nokomis, Fla.
Tightening bars
replaced with
welded nuts.