
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Inexpensive Bench Vise


HIS INEXPENSIVE SUBSTITUTE FORa left-handed workbench vise
allows you to clamp a panel all the way to the floor, if necessary.
It has no guide rods or screw to interfere with a vertical workpiece, as
with a metal vise. It may not match the quality of a left-handed vise
from a top-end woodworking bench, but it is surprisingly useful and
easy to build.
To make the vise, first secure a pipe flange to the bench edge. Use
long screws because the vise exerts a lot of pressure. Fit a 2-in.-thick
block over the flange, as shown. Screw the block to the workbench. A
12-in. pipe threaded on one end and the movable end from a Jor-
gensen No. 56 clamp fixture complete the assembly. If desired, attach a
wooden block to the end of the clamp screw pad to gain more surface
area and to even out pressure. Take care not to walk into the pipe.


Jorgensen No. 56
pipe-clamp fixture

Wooden block

Pipe, 12 in., threaded Workbench
on one end Pipeflange
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